Thursday, March 27, 2014

{Pretty~Happy~Funny~Real} Of Shoes, Chocolate, Rabbits, and Dirt


One of Charlotte's favorite things to do is to try on shoes, and fancy shoes with heels or pink or fluffiness all over them are especially tantalizing. When she finds a pair of shoes that take her fancy, she will doggedly persevere in wearing them despite any drawbacks. Whether they are decorative wooden clogs made in Holland or broken dress up princess shoes, Charlotte determinedly puts them on over and over and tries again and again until she is able to successfully walk!

The other day at Mutti's house, Charlotte discovered some of Jeanne's shoes that immediately caught her eye. And, despite the obvious drawbacks of these particular shoes, she was able to walk in them after some determined practice. And, boy, was she proud of herself! You could tell that she felt very pretty and grown up wearing these shoes!

I am still very impressed that she was able to get around in those things . . . and the laces weren't even tied!


There is nothing that says 'happy' like a baby who gets a chocolate donut from her Nanny on a feast day during Lent!

See, she wants to SHARE with me?!

. . .

Actually, let's be real here,  she just wants more.

She made a pretty impressive mess, but I am sure if she could, she would tell us the mess was well worth the deliciousness.


So we raise Lionhead rabbits and we currently have four in our back yard. Just last week, Mimi was asking me if I was planning on having any 'Easter Bunny' litters this year, and my answer was a resounding no! Having my own new baby coming is enough for me!

But it turns out someone had other plans. Maybe it was a practical joke played by my guardian angel, or maybe it was Wrigley, but there must be someone behind this.

The other day, I glanced out the door to see what Wrigley was up to. I saw not one, not two but THREE rabbits out of their cages and running through the muddy sod. Of course, Wrigley was intrigued that they were now so close and attainable, and she was right there with them dodging about.

Looking back on it, it is pretty amazing that she came inside immediately when I called her (not always a common practice of hers, and Pat will back me up on this). And I ran outside and (thankfully) was able to gather up the three rabbits rather quickly. Of course, one of the rabbits that was out was male, and the other two female, soooo if they happened to do what rabbits do best, we will be having two litters come 4 weeks.

So much for my plans! But I guess that's what happens with the best laid plans of mice and men . . .

So likely we will have a few of these cuties in a few short weeks:

They are pretty cute! I can't say I'm too upset. In fact, now that I'm used to the idea, it will be a little disappointing if there are no babies after all!

And meanwhile, Pat has been working extra hard to build some beautiful new hutches. They are huge and he is building them like tanks. Mac and Mike have been helping him, which has been awesome. Not quite ready, but getting there . . .


It is amazing how much dirt one little seven pound dog can accumulate and then disperse. She has given me a whole new understanding of the 'Pig Pen' character in the Charlie Brown strip. Wrigley is Pig Pen, in Bichon form. She collects everything dust, dirt, and debris related and scatters it about inside. With the snow melting, and the growing expanses of mud in our back yard (particularly around the rabbits, where Wrigley most especially likes to roam), Wrigley has gone from being a mostly white dog to a brown dog.

To give you an idea of how much she can accumulate, here is Pat giving her a bath the other day.

It is pretty satisfying when that much dirt comes off one little thing!

Linking up with the ladies at Like Mother Like Daughter to capture some contentment in our lives!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun post! Charlotte is so funny and all little girl!
    I'm sure you won't have trouble finding homes for the bunnies if you should have them. How cute!
