Saturday, October 12, 2013

First Words

The other day Pat had a very memorable dream. Realistic? perhaps! But I sure hope NOT!

Pat and I were sitting in our living room, watching Kateri. She was almost a year old by this point (hard to believe that will ever happen!) and was walking ALL over the place, so in order to contain her we used the ottomans to block her in the TV room.

Kateri was not bothered a bit. She kept walking and playing, babbling away. Then she looked at Pat, and pointedly said something. Pat suddenly realized he understood EXACTLY what Kateri said! He jumped up incredulously and translated for me,

"Kateri just asked me for a MILLER LITE! She said, "PASS ME THE MILLER! I can hardly believe it but it is TRUE"

I was skeptical that she said anything let alone ask for a beer. Pat then continued to ask Kbear to repeat herself until she finally was saying emphatically and quite clearly,