Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A little of this and that

My phone completely died a couple weeks ago, and between one thing and another, it took about a week before I got a fancy new one! The only time I really missed it was when I took Chiara to Walmart one evening and inadvertently locked my keys in the car!!! Thankfully 1. A good (and very friendly and talkative) good Samaritan let me borrow their phone and 2. Someone answered one of the only two numbers i have memorized (thank you, Jeanne!!!!!). Word to the wise: memorize important numbers!

So, thanks to Jeanne, we were able to get home at last!

Kateri has been enjoying playing dress-up in this lovely gown from Mihi:

However, she still prefers to be called Kateri rather than princess at all times!

Mom made these adorable socks for Sebastian. I just can't get over them!

The cousins all crowding around Chiara: 

Chiara is not so sure what she thinks of all this! 

This past weekend, we went to the Civil War festivities in old town, we got takeout and ate it over at the museum while listening to music! 

As you can see, Kateri was preparing in advance for the canon shots. She tolerated them fairly well. This time, it was Sebastian who did NOT like them! 

Since we have been quarantining ourselves for the most part, the kids have been playing outside quite a bit. They slipped outside one evening after they had swam in the pool earlier in the afternoon . . . And lost no time in jumping in, fully clothed! 

Yesterday I read 'Hop on Pop' to the kids. When I read this page, 

Kateri said, "That is my dad!!!!"

And we kept noticing more and more silimarities . . . 

And lastly, here are a couple sibs shots from earlier today! 

I hope your week is off to a good start!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Wild America, right here in our own back yard

We have a little masked friend in our backyard.

Actually, the little stinker is much bigger and much more conniving than that picture portrays.

No doubt planning his next raid

He has taken leftover dog food from the deck (we no longer leave anything out). Once that was a no-go, he turned to the next best thing.


Every few nights around 1 AM, he makes a special trip to see if there are any delectable morsels. He walks along the fence and lowers himself to the trash which we keep in our back yard. He isn't the least bit shy and makes sure to slam the lid quite loudly, and then proceeds to drag various things out. 

However, I suppose I shouldn't begrudge him too much, he likely has mouths to feed as well.

The other day, I went outside and noticed some trash on top of the fence. about 20 feet away from the trash can. Upon closer inspection, I found that the raccoon had dragged the bag of dark-chocolate covered pretzels (can't fault his taste!) and eaten all the last crumbs. Right next to the bag, he carefully left a wipe that he must have used to clean his hands and face after he ate as there were several chocolate smudges on it! how funny that he had made sure to bring a wipe (although that has it's own level of gross) along with him. 

Pat is drawing up plans to enclose the trash and prevent further raids, and no doubt the raccoon will feel like this when he learns what will transpire.

A few years ago, we went outside to discover the cause of Wrigley's persistent barking. We found a little box turtle carefully tucked into his shell. We didn't see him for a couple years, but early this spring, we again detected the same subtle change in Wrigley's bark and ran out to discover that yes, once again, she had found the turtle!

He has since shown up several times around the yard, under the deck, rabbit cages, or in the garden. Yesterday, we found him happily enjoying an old tomato that had fallen to the ground! We have yet to name him, any ideas?

We also have some animal getting into our attic. Squirrel is my guess, it sounds too loud to be a mouse and is not frequent enough to make me think it lives there. But we do need to figure out how to seal up the attic!

And last but not least, however possibly grossest, I just pulled something out from the garage and found some seeds and (horror of horrors) mouse droppings on it. 

In addition to that, Pat recently heard on the radio that the creatures that most commonly carry lyme disease are not deer, but are smaller animals: mice, rats, raccoons. 

So, does that make a good enough argument to get an outside cat?

I'm not sure, I just can't stand the idea of ever having to deal with a litter box!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer Vacation 2016 Part IV

The next day, we packed up and prepared to head to Nashville!

We decided to go on one more hike before bidding our farewell to the Great Smokies.

It was a gorgeous hike, and far less popular than some of the others.

My hiking buddy

People ask us all.the.time if Kateri and Sebastian are twins. It seems to happen at least once every time we go out in public, whether to the store or on a walk or anywhere! However, on this walk someone actually asked me if the three of them were triplets! haha

On the way back, Kateri and Sebastian hiked at times. Which translates to each kid clamoring to hike, then clamoring to get back in the stroller, then demanding to get out again. So our return trips are usually a bit longer.

Kateri dearly loves to lead the way, and I love seeing her set the pace!

Action shot of what this hike looked like towards the end:

Kateri,  rather exhausted ( I guess going to bed around 11 each night for the past 4 nights finally caught up to her!!), Sebastian deciding he wants to get out and hike for the 19th time.

I do have to say, that both Kateri and Sebastian did quite a good job of hiking for their ages! One day, Sebastian even hiked for 2.5- 3 miles without stopping or once complaining. I couldn't believe it!

From there, we jumped in the car and left the park for Nashville :)

The Witches Garden

We noticed this beautiful little garden near the hotel parking lot. 

It was clearly tended by someone who worked at the hotel as the garden was surrounded by scraps of carpet that matched the hotel carpet. 

I couldn't resist taking a closer look, and Sebastian came along with me! (Nosiest of Nosy Neighbors)

There were lots of potted plants. 

Near them were a bunch of full beer bottles, all very warm as it was very very hot. straaange. 

The gardeners have very different tastes than I do! 

There were MANY hot peppers.

And Okra . . .

Who knew okras had these lovely flowers? Not me!

Sebastian providing the scale for the okra. See the carpet at the base?

There were also cantaloupes and a few other things (I think those are beans along the fence). All very healthy and thriving! 

No tomatoes and no cucumbers~ can you imagine?

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Summer Vacation 2016~ Part III

The following day, we headed up to Clingman's dome, which was very impressive and the pictures just don't do it justice!

On the way up!

YES! The single family shot where Kateri looked at the camera. Definitely a winner!

I wish I had been better about taking pictures of all the wildflowers at the higher elevations, they were so beautiful! MANY wild lilies and indian paint brush varieties and many other bright colored flowers.

Atop Clingman's dome lookout, though you can't tell!

The lookout tower behind us.

We really enjoyed seeing the "smoke". The clouds were beautiful, and within ten minutes had entirely obstructed our view.

We also hiked Laurel Falls, which is one of the most popular hikes (ie on the level of parking in Manhattan). It was "paved", but eroding almost everywhere. About 3 miles roundtrip, the first half was about 95% up, and so coming back was easy. We opted to bring the double stroller, which, as Ranger Doug would say, "Wasn't the easy way, but it was the Cowboy Way!"

Everyone was incredibly positive and encouraging and made us feel like we were something, hiking that trail! "Wow! THREE kids??!! That's amazing!"  *As Pat ran by* "You are super-Dad!" etc etc.  Of course, there were other people who really WERE heros, during our hikes (keep in mind these are treacherous hikes, immediate huge drop offs on one side and cliffs on the other, roots, loose pavement, rocks) we saw people in their 70's hiking determinedly with walkers and canes! They were very inspiring and acted like they weren't doing anything special.

Laurel falls was quite large, with a landing you can walk out on near the top of the falls, and the water goes on crashing down far below. Many people scrambled down the rocks to swim at the bottom. It was VERY crowded.

Mild beginning to the trail!

I had to include this photo which is a wildly inaccurate portrayal of hotel life with a 2 and 3 year old.

Lasting approximately 2.5 seconds, you know.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Chiara's Three Month photos

Can't believe this little nugget is already three months old~ that happened faster than ever. As if on cue, she has started talking even more and discovered a new shriek that she loves to share with anyone who will talk to her for more than 2.5 seconds. 

Lots of talking accompanied these photos!


These two sisters are so blessed to have each other!