Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Weathering the Winter

When the desperation of cabin fever sets in, anything, ANYTHING, becomes a welcome respite for the littles.

Case in point:

That is, indeed, a fake candle. And yes, Kateri and Charlotte are both doing their best to "blow" it out.

Somehow this became a very exciting and competitive game for the two of them.

And eventually, for the safety and sanity of all, we had to call it quits,

But it was fun while it lasted!

As was Kateri's fancy hair-do.


A few weeks ago, we went to the park.

The main thing to see there, in Kateri's eyes, is the swing set. She is content to stay on it the entire time and swing to her hearts content. She has no desire to go down the slide or play on the "fire man's truck". In fact, she can only be convinced to get off the swing with great effort and much encouragement!

This picture cracks me up because her legs look soooooo long!

This was also the occasion of Sebastian's first time in the swing!

That, my friends, is some hearty approval!

It does seem rather wild that BOTH of them are able to swing! I feel that Sebastian is still my little baby, but he is growing so so quickly.

Nevertheless, he is still a baby for sure!

Another time, Aunt Laura introduced Kateri to her new favorite game:

Ring around the Rosy will NEVER grow old, in a 1 and 2 year old's eyes!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Of goldfish, orange juice, and oreos, OH MY!

So, like I said in my previous post, we all got kinda sick last week. It was a relatively quick moving little bug, both Kateri and I were hit in the middle of the night about 20 minutes apart from each other. After that, all I felt was tired, so so tired.

I have such fond memories of being sick as a kid, mom would always make us a bed on the sofa with extra comfy sheets and blankets and pillows. There was a constant supply of ginger ale, popsicles, and salty crackers. And for entertainment, books and movies. What could be better?? Well, not being sick, I guess, but all those wonderful things made being sick so much more manageable.

Last Tuesday, I really wanted to take care of little Kateri after she was sick, so I made her a little nest on the couch!

I don't think she felt too sick.

But she sure enjoyed those books!

For about 15 minutes . . .

And then, she was up and ready to roll!

However, Kateri was still sick because she was unable to eat eggs, cheese, french toast, applesauce, pancakes, crackers, toast and any number of other things.

Thankfully, Mihi came to the rescue and brought Kateri something she COULD eat:


She ate many many goldfish.

And enjoyed every bite.

Thank you, Mihi! She could also eat popsicles (thank you, aunt Lu), drink orange juice, and eat powdered sugar donuts. Oreos are also on the list of "Ok to consume."

This was a serious bug, to only let her eat those things!!! Thankfully, today she ate two bites of sausage. Maybe she is finally getting better!

The Rise of the Starving Dough

Well, after a dreadfully long time of absolutely no posts, we are back! Be prepared for lots and lots of grainy phone pictures, because here they come . . .

One of my goals is to take charge of meal planning. As in, actually DO it. It worked really well the first week, and made life so SO much easier, and the evenings much less stressful. I was really shocked at the fact that just KNOWING what is going to be on the table really made the day exponentially more relaxed. Go figure! 

My mom gave me a colorful and cheerful Mary Engelbreit week-planner. I love it and it makes planning everything, even WORK, fun. That is pretty amazing! So, thanks again, Mom! You gave me life, amazing siblings, and an awesome planner that makes life fun!

The second week, we got sick and just ate whatever we had around the house (in addition to some amazing soup made by Laura! Thanks, Lu!). 

This week, the meals are planned and I will go to the store tomorrow! Take that, Procrastination Bone! 

Along with all this, I have been baking a lot more bread. The other day, I made up some dough but didn't have time to bake it right away. After the first rising, I punched it down and put it in the fridge.

Not long after, I went to grab K-bear some milk, and THIS is the sight that met my eyes:

Nom nom nom . . . rising fast and getting HUNGRY!

I can relate!!! Feed me NOWWWW!!!