Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A little of this and that

My phone completely died a couple weeks ago, and between one thing and another, it took about a week before I got a fancy new one! The only time I really missed it was when I took Chiara to Walmart one evening and inadvertently locked my keys in the car!!! Thankfully 1. A good (and very friendly and talkative) good Samaritan let me borrow their phone and 2. Someone answered one of the only two numbers i have memorized (thank you, Jeanne!!!!!). Word to the wise: memorize important numbers!

So, thanks to Jeanne, we were able to get home at last!

Kateri has been enjoying playing dress-up in this lovely gown from Mihi:

However, she still prefers to be called Kateri rather than princess at all times!

Mom made these adorable socks for Sebastian. I just can't get over them!

The cousins all crowding around Chiara: 

Chiara is not so sure what she thinks of all this! 

This past weekend, we went to the Civil War festivities in old town, we got takeout and ate it over at the museum while listening to music! 

As you can see, Kateri was preparing in advance for the canon shots. She tolerated them fairly well. This time, it was Sebastian who did NOT like them! 

Since we have been quarantining ourselves for the most part, the kids have been playing outside quite a bit. They slipped outside one evening after they had swam in the pool earlier in the afternoon . . . And lost no time in jumping in, fully clothed! 

Yesterday I read 'Hop on Pop' to the kids. When I read this page, 

Kateri said, "That is my dad!!!!"

And we kept noticing more and more silimarities . . . 

And lastly, here are a couple sibs shots from earlier today! 

I hope your week is off to a good start!


  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!

  2. Those socks are so great! And I'm in the same boat- I only know one or two cell #s...glad everything worked out okay for you!
