Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Summer Vacation 2016~ Part III

The following day, we headed up to Clingman's dome, which was very impressive and the pictures just don't do it justice!

On the way up!

YES! The single family shot where Kateri looked at the camera. Definitely a winner!

I wish I had been better about taking pictures of all the wildflowers at the higher elevations, they were so beautiful! MANY wild lilies and indian paint brush varieties and many other bright colored flowers.

Atop Clingman's dome lookout, though you can't tell!

The lookout tower behind us.

We really enjoyed seeing the "smoke". The clouds were beautiful, and within ten minutes had entirely obstructed our view.

We also hiked Laurel Falls, which is one of the most popular hikes (ie on the level of parking in Manhattan). It was "paved", but eroding almost everywhere. About 3 miles roundtrip, the first half was about 95% up, and so coming back was easy. We opted to bring the double stroller, which, as Ranger Doug would say, "Wasn't the easy way, but it was the Cowboy Way!"

Everyone was incredibly positive and encouraging and made us feel like we were something, hiking that trail! "Wow! THREE kids??!! That's amazing!"  *As Pat ran by* "You are super-Dad!" etc etc.  Of course, there were other people who really WERE heros, during our hikes (keep in mind these are treacherous hikes, immediate huge drop offs on one side and cliffs on the other, roots, loose pavement, rocks) we saw people in their 70's hiking determinedly with walkers and canes! They were very inspiring and acted like they weren't doing anything special.

Laurel falls was quite large, with a landing you can walk out on near the top of the falls, and the water goes on crashing down far below. Many people scrambled down the rocks to swim at the bottom. It was VERY crowded.

Mild beginning to the trail!

I had to include this photo which is a wildly inaccurate portrayal of hotel life with a 2 and 3 year old.

Lasting approximately 2.5 seconds, you know.


  1. I love all the pictures and commentary and remember our hike over there very well – I kept speculating to myself how long it would take for paramedics to arrive if needed…! The idyllic picture of Kateri and Sebastian on the hotel bed is my absolute favorite – it would be a wonderful illustration for a future book entitled "how to raise perfect children" (and other fairytales --haha!)--like a perfect Pinterest version of family travels :D

  2. agree! so glad you captured the moment for prosperity!
