Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Little Tidbits . . .


So the other day for breakfast, Pat said he would give Kateri some yogurt.

When I turned around, I saw he had . . .

Come on, Kateri! Don't you know how to eat yogurt yet?? geez.


Ok . . . ONE MORE SICKIE POST and then I PROMISE I will stop talking about how we all got sick last week. Hey! It is a rare occurrence so I really gotta milk it for all it's worth.
I put a white sheet and a comforter on our couch for Pat the day he was sick, and then I ended up taking his spot when I got sick the next day. Kateri was so cute when both of us were sick, she just kept coming up and wanting to smile and climb up on the couch to snuggle. You can't stay sick for long when you see this face:
I know Kateri is my daughter because she gets ridiculously excited whenever it's time to eat.
Food!! Food!! Food!!
The other day, Pat was installing this cool bear bottle-opener on our deck (Thanks Mike and Emily, for the bottle opener!!). Kateri wanted to watch so I took this picture of her learning how it's done.
Apparently, she's also learning how something else is done . . .
Pat seems to approve . . . I better keep an eye on these two . . .
As you can tell from the previous pictures, it is only the classiest of things that we expose our children to. So of course, Pat has started her early and showed Kateri the wonder of Nascar

I think Kateri is a fan . . .

On Sunday, we went to Mass at Old St Mary's in DC with Mary and Stephen. Afterwards, we went to their house for an incredible brunch. I should have taken pictures of all the deliciousness. And there was a lot of it.
Stephen made each person a Belgian waffle and a toad on a hole (or whatever you happen to call the yumminess that is an egg in the middle of a piece of toast all fried in butter).  And on top of that, he made fried Spam. Have you ever had that? I hadn't either. It didn't taste like what I thought it would at all! I did like it thought! There was also fruit (which was our clearly very meager contribution) and we topped brunch off with these amazing scones that Mary made. It was scrumptious!
And then we took advantage of the nice weather and went to Great Falls!
Which was awesome as always!
Kateri wasn't a huge fan of the ergo-carrier . . .
But she graciously put up with being carried in it for about 3.5 minutes.
Enough time so that we got a family pic. . .
And we were able to get one of Mary and Stephen and Maddie too!
Though it was rather too bright for Maddie!
But she did enjoy it~ it was her first real out-door hike! Which she was very proud of!
Stephen brought a survival kit, but no calamities happened and we never needed it. Next time, perhaps!!
My sister in law, Corinne, just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday!
Olivia Corinne weighs 8lbs10oz and is 20.5 inches long. She is beautiful! I cannot wait to see this precious face in person!
We are so happy for Corinne and Adam!! Congrats!

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