Monday, March 10, 2014

Let the Party Continue

So, as you know if you occasionally read this blog, we already celebrated Kateri's birthday. But we didn't throw an actual party because the weekends and the timing surrounding her birthday were too filled with other things. So the best date ended up being this past Saturday.  And we couldn't pass up her first birthday without throwing some kind of party~ so party we did!

We had an owl themed party, mainly because I have been wanting to make those cute owl cupcakes, the ones with oreos for eyes.

So, owls it was!

(some sea-sick owls made it in the bunch). Side note: if you have never tried mint oreos, get thee to the store, but maybe wait until after Lent, because you will NOT want to put the box down until every cookie is gone. Trust me. These things bring the deliciousness of oreos to a whole new level.)

And we tied all the food in to the owl theme, one way or another . . .

(There were a couple of these left at the end of the party . . . I think the 'brown field mice' may have been a slight turn-off in the edible department).

We also had pigs-in-a-blanket, which we of course called 'mice in a blanket', which is MUCH better then 'owl pellets', don't you think?

But I didn't get a picture of those.

Do owls even eat fruit? I don't know . . .

Some things were a bit of a stretch . . .

But you have to work in veggies somehow . . .

Pat thought we should call the lemonade, 'Owl Urine', but we opted to just left that un-named.

And, besides the cupcakes, we had some other little desserts:

And even some of this delicacy:

It was quite a bit of fun!

And Kateri happily enjoyed every moment . . .

And even liked when everyone sang 'Happy Birthday'.

But she didn't quite understand the concept of 'blowing out the candle'.

However, she knew EXACTLY what to do after that!


Why waste time?

(And yes. That is a different cupcake, her second.)

And she eventually went on to eat a third.

Which brought her much joy . . .

And Wrigley too . . . See her in the bottom left of the photo?

Team work, my friends, team work.

Kateri had a lovely time with family and close friends. Mac even wore an owl around his neck! And great Aunt Gigi and great Uncle Dick wore owl t-shirts!

Even Wyatt got to join the fun, thanks to Emily!

K-bear always loves seeing Aunt Jeanne

And playing with Charlotte and aunts and uncles!!

Everyone was so generous and Kateri received many beautiful gifts, which papa-bear helped her open.

A huge thank you to all! You made Kateri's day so special and memorable! She loved every moment, and must be a little party loving extrovert because despite a drastically shortened nap in the morning, she was happy and cheerful and loved every moment of the party the entire afternoon! And that is thanks to you! Thanks again for making her day so wonderful!
I also want to note a special thanks to Nanny, who unfortunately couldn't come because she was very sick. We missed you! You made Kateri's day extra special in many ways, even though it was from afar! 


  1. Wow! That is a birthday celebration to remember! I love how creatively you did everything! Everything is adorable--including and especially Kateri!

  2. Looks like y’all had a real hootenanny! I loved all the themed food :)
