Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Weekend Re-cap

Sebastian and Kateri really had a great fourth of July. I was so proud of myself because BOTH of my offspring donned patriotic gear! Maybe this whole preparation and planning ahead deal is starting to sink in a bit more. . .
Except for the fact that I never got a picture of them together (or separate) for that matter with their red, white, and blue. Face palm, yes.
BUT we did manage to get some pictures, mainly because Mr. Dodge brought his new camera over to the Greniers, and so I had to at least take a few pictures!

This is the closest I have of Kateri in her patriotic gear. What a grumpy face . . .  But Jeanne's smile makes up for it!

Everyone had a blast at the Grenier's. And the weather could not have been more perfect. In fact, I don't remember any other Fourth's ever being this nice!

Miriam enjoyed her first fourth of July. She will be one in just a month. What a cutie!!

I keep telling Pat we need to get a picture of all four of us. I don't know why it is so hard for this to happen. There are only FOUR of us, and one of them can't even roll over yet, this should NOT be a big deal.

However, I did get a photo of Sebastian with these four:

He fits right in with them (minus that concentrated frown . . . maybe it's obvious-- even in infancy -- who you are really related to).

Pat was so excited to finally open this fancy bottle given to Pat by the amazing Erin and Pete (who we miss greatly!)

which is the same as the whiskey that was made in 1776. This is what the founding fathers drank! Because I'm sure they all did! So the Fourth was the perfect occasion!

And so everyone toasted to the good ol' US of A with honest to goodness 1776 whiskey.

Whiskey is so not my thing, but I did smell it. That has to count for something. And of course that made me even more determined not to partake in it.

That, my friends, is a happy man.
The fireworks were beautiful! We went to our favorite location, which is a secret (and that's why I'm writing about it on a blog for all the world to see. . . not. I can write about it because I know for a fact all the world WON'T read it and it will still remain our top secret place!).

It's actually a fort from the civil war, and is right between the Manassas and Manassas Park fireworks, so you have a great view of both. There's lots of grass for football, Frisbee or cornhole. And it is nice and high so you have a great view of all the many firework shows going on in the distance!

We were really unsure of how Kateri would react to the fireworks because they are so darn LOUD. We prepped her as much as we could by saying, "Here come the BOOM- WAGA- WAGA!" This is what my grandpa used to tell us when we were little and somehow that always seemed to convince us that everything was ok, and not only ok, but AWESOME.

Still, we weren't sure how she'd take it. But when the fireworks started, she looked on in awe. And then she started signing 'flower'. They do look a bit like giant flaming bright flowers! And she was (mostly) fine from there on out!


This weekend we also went to my grandparents for brunch, which is always a treat!

Kateri dressed up in this beautiful lace dress from Aunt Mary- isn't it cute on her?!

Great Grandpa with his great grandson.

Kateri and Charlotte are actually starting to play together, which is great to see! We have been waiting for this a (very!) long time, (right, Laura??) so even though this is a grainy poor quality shot, we are keeping it!

(although, are they getting along? or is Kateri just trying to steal the hat??;)

Sebastian got to wear the cutest little seer sucker suit, given to him by Aunt Mimi.

The socks really complete the outfit.

Charlotte, always super adorable, fun, and ready to entertain the 'invasion', as everyone in Falcon's says when we walk down the hallway.

And, with that, I'll leave you with a funny story that happened while at Falcon's. When Pat and I walked in to the apartment, we were greeted by some lovely people who were very eager to see Kateri and Sebastian. After talking to them for a minute or so, one of them said, looking at the two little ones,

"So, are they TWINS?"


Kateri's first time holding Sebastian. He is looking very happy relaxed and trusting to be in her arms.

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