Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A few updates on the kiddos

Every single day, I plan on writing a post on this blog, and every single day,  free time is non-existent and other things (like sleeping and eating and changing diapers and pulling Kateri down from off the table) seem more important.

But, guess what! Kateri is napping, Sebastian is in the swing, so hurry hurry! Write a post now! Or it will never ever ever happen!

So, while I have been focusing so much on Sebastian lately (and his ever voracious appetite), I want to focus this post on darling little Kateri!

She is very adventurous, and one of her favorite endeavors is climbing. She will try to climb anything. And she is very quick, scooting up her high chair, onto the tray, and from there crawling over to the table in no time. So we have had to try some interesting baby-proofing techniques, especially when I'm nursing the baby!

This has come into play because if you use a stern voice and a serious face with Kateri, it just busts her up. She thinks it's the most hilarious thing ever and will not take you seriously at all! Oy vey, what to do with this dear child?! So the strict voice that 'means business' is not an effective means of convincing her to climb down, at all.

She is very proud of her climbing techniques, even if it is not super high.

One thing that has brought her endless frustration is the dining room table and chairs. When all the chairs are pushed under the table, she climbs onto the chairs and is stuck with the table directly above her. She just knows she should be able to get up to the table from that point, but figuring out the next step has been elusive. Generally, she will start fussing in an effort to get some help from mom or dad (who generally don't help her get up there on the table, as a general rule, but you know~ hope still springs eternal!).

The other day, I was feeding Sebastian, and I could hear that Kateri had climbed up onto the chair and was stuck. But after just a couple moments of whining, all was silent.

Uh oh. Usually means something bad.

So I got up right away and came over to see what she was in to.

And this is what I saw:

Completely sound asleep!

Sweet precious girl!

And she even stayed asleep and took a nap in her own crib after that (pretty amazing, right?!)

She has been a big help to Pat lately, and has gone on many trips to Home Depot to help him with the mulch, or deck paint, or plants. One time I tagged along to get a few pictures.

And I learned that trips to the store with Papa-Bear are FULL OF FUN AND ADVENTURE.

Kateri loves Home Depot.


She is also so intrigued by Cisco, Aunt Jeanne's cat. He tends to maintain a healthy distance, but once he did allow Kateri to come within five feet of him. At that point, neither of them were quite sure what to do from there. . .

Eventually Cisco decided it was time to leave after Kateri decided it was time to grab his fur.
Kateri has also been enjoying Signing Times.
It is so cute to see her signing various things! Her absolute favorite things to sign are bird, fish, and airplane. She LOVES to point them out whether we are on a walk and she spots something or if she sees something in a book! She is getting better and better at signing and communicating what she wants, which has been so nice for US.
And one more pic: water and pots and pans on the deck: Happiness.
Of course, I can't do an entire post without a single picture of Sebastian. This little guy is a sweetie and has been doing honest to goodness open eye smiles since he was a week old. So don't you dare tell me that he has just been doing gas smiles. I know what his face looks like when he has gas, and I can assure you that there are NO smiles!
I have yet to snap a really good picture because every time he smiles I just want to drink it in! He really reacts when I talk to him and then his whole face lights up and he smiles! It really is amazing.
Here is one shot I did get, but it doesn't capture his big smile at all!
Still cute though :) 

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