Friday, April 5, 2013


I suffer from Procrastinitis. It is characterized by extreme procrastination. I cannot remember a time when I did not procrastinate in some way! When I was five, I put off bedtime and cleaning my room as long as possible. When I was ten, I put off doing my book reports until my mom somehow found out and I ran out of excuses. When I was twenty, I put off studying or writing papers until the night before and sometimes morning of the actual test/due date. Before I had a baby, I put off waking up each morning, setting my alarm for the latest moment so I could sleep as long as possible (sure! I can wake up, get out of bed, dressed, make up on, teeth brushed and breakfast in 10 minutes!).  All of this resulted in many last minute book reports, papers completed at five a.m., cramming the morning of tests,and very rushed mornings . My mantra was, "I work well under pressure." . . . . It would have been more accurate if I said, "I only work under pressure, looming deadlines, and coercion." Maybe you know someone like this, or maybe you even have this tendency yourself!

Now Pat most certainly does not have procrastinitis. He has taught me a lot about this just by his actions! Every morning, he sets his alarm long before he has to leave for the day, giving himself time for a nice long hot shower and relaxing breakfast. If Pat wants to complete a project, he will set aside a small amount of time daily to work on it and wa-lah! it is complete.  This logic is VERY foreign to me!

On Holy Saturday, Pat decided to fix one of the boards in our deck. It was rotting and cracked directly outside our sliding glass door. I didn't want to him to fix it today, I wanted him to fix it later. There are hundreds of Saturdays in our future! Let's do it on one of those, but not today! Today, it is beautiful out! Pat could see the error in this logic, and decided to go ahead and fix it.  And you know what?? It turned out to be a great blessing that he did! And that is one more project completed! I hope to gradually temper my procastinitis so I can emulate Pat, but I know for a fact it will never be in complete remission!

So my Handy Man asked his resourceful dad (Mac) for some assistance! (Thanks, Mac!!!!). First they tore out the old board. This was quite a feat and I wish I had pictures of the splintered boards, crobar, hammers and extreme effort this took!

Soon we had a hole in our deck. Watch out, Wrigley!!!

Mac and my H.M. measured the board and cut it to size

And then, using only the most sound, systematic method, put the board in place . . .

And it is complete!! Thanks guys!! Wrigley won't fall through THIS deck!

And here is Mac with his side kick enjoying some much deserved libations.

While the menfolk worked so hard, Nanny helped me with Kateri . . .

Thank you, Nanny!!!

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