Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Age of Discovery,

That is without a doubt the age Kateri is currently experiencing. She wants to discover EVERYTHING. And, not only does she just want to discover it, she follows through and usually does discover it, eat it, tear it up, and destroy it. All in the most loving fashion.

Things that were formerly beyond her ability to do, are now increasingly possible. The other day, while I was cleaning the counter with my back to Kateri, she found a very interesting cylindrical container with something inside. She wasted no time in exploring further, and I turned around to see this:

What exciting things there are in Papa-Bears gym bag! Maybe they even TASTE delicious!

Hmm. Well maybe not . . .

One thing that I have discovered is that we need to get out of the house daily, weather permitting. (Earth shattering news, right?!!) But it is REALLY REALLY worth it to bundle that baby up and get some fresh air. Mental sanity, people. So that's what we do!

Getting ready to brave the elements. Kateri had about 5 layers on and looked like a stuffed sausage. And Pat was able to come too!!

And No, she did not sleep on the walk . . .

Another new discovery of Kateri is her love for books. They don't even need to have pictures, she just loves the written word. The other night, I was down in the basement and Kateri happily pulled all the books from a bookshelf. Then she sat down, and carefully brought over one book, A Collection of Short Stories, by Flannery O'Connor. Yes, she has very literary, mature tastes! She then proceeded to quietly flip through the pages, over and over. For about ten minutes she sat there, content to turn the pages, looking at each one, ne'er a page was torn, nor a corner chewed. True appreciation for literature! There is not a single picture in that book.

Kateri loves having books read to her, and is starting to make exclamations during the stories. She has especially loved The Donkey's Dream, which is one of the best children's Christmas stories I have ever read. Here she is enjoying her sweet aunt Jeanne reading her a little book:

Oh Kateri! The world has so many wonderful things for you to discover!

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