Monday, January 13, 2014

Give Me a Little Stress Relief!

We have a nice big separate bath tub in our master bath, which comes in especially handy if you happen to have little munchkins. And even more handy if you happen to be of the mindset that an occasional shower is a nice commodity that you would rather not give up. We utilize this set up often. I usually toss Kateri and a few toys in to the bath tub while I enjoy a nice hot shower. Oh the joy! Knowing a ten month old is contained for at least ten minutes is joy itself, but when you can add a shower into the equation . . . I just don't know if it can get better than that!

This morning, Kateri happily played in the bathtub, and continued to play as I brushed my teeth. (Can I just say it is SO NICE to be able to brush one's teeth while not simultaneously playing defense for the toilet against a very mobile and quick ten monther?!). I looked at the laundry I needed to do, great bags of laundry that look more like body bags for rather obese individuals. I thought of the floors needing vacuuming (honestly, how do bedrooms get so dirty so fast? I try to vacuum them at least once a week but they seem to need it every other day. BEDROOMS! what?!), the bathrooms needing cleaning, the organization projects I have in mind. Hmm, there is a lot to do! Not worth getting stressed about. As Pat says, don't use the 'N' word too often, you don't really need to get everything done in a day.

Then I turned around, and Kateri sat in the tub with a funny expression on her face. I did not snap a picture as I took in the situation. She had somehow managed to open a Bath and Body Works Stress Relief Bath Salt and spilled it all around her. That guilty funny expression could mean only one thing, and as I picked her up, I smelled her breath and sure enough she smelled like Stress Relief Bath Salt! I was sure she had tried it, but hoped she hadn't eaten a lot.

I immediately called to Pat, and asked him to verify if he smelled it on her breath. He did, and so I immediately called poison control. I didn't press one because they said only press one if it was an emergency.  Kateri wasn't in convulsions, and after a brief glance at the ingredients I was fairly sure that they weren't overly life-threatening. Then the recording taught me all about the poison control center, and how many people it serves, that it is not government subsidized but is run thru grants and donations and did I want to send one in? She told me that most poisons can be handled at home, and everything you would EVER want to know about carbon monoxide poisoning, the 'silent killer'. She told me about educational services she would offer for kids, and Spike who would teach kids to tell an adult if another kid ingested something poison. She told me tons of other information, and then some corny poison song with a little ditty to help remember the poison control center phone-number came on. At this point, I decided for times sake I would press one!

Word to the wise! Always press one right away! It will save you time, even if you think that the poison is really not that poisonous!! And if it happens to be real poison, every moment counts!

I spoke to Nancy, who was very helpful and said that Stress Relief Bath Salt may cause severe mouth/stomach irritation and vomiting but nothing more. I can handle that. She said, give Kateri some water or milk and she should be okay, and call immediately if you need anything else or if anything else comes up. I felt an immediate urge to burst into tears. She's going to be OKAY! Oh Pregnancy! What you do to us! Then I thought, Wait, I knew that anyway!! and promptly the urge for tears disappeared. Thank you reality.

Oh Kateri, you will give us much more stress relief if you don't eat any more Stress Relief!

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