Sunday, November 15, 2015


Ever since she could crawl, Kateri has had a love for chapter books. I will never forget finding her when she was about 9 months old, carefully leafing through "Anna Karenina".

These days, she will sit quietly for a few minutes carefully looking at whichever chapter book she can find. The other day, I saw she chose one of my favorites:

2 year old master reader
However, don't let appearances fool you! Although she does love the written word, she cannot yet read it!

And, for good measure, here are a couple photos that I should have included in the best buds post, but completely forgot about!

They look like they're on a roller coaster!
(Really, sometimes I need to post these pics as a reminder to myself that they aren't fighting all the time ;) )


  1. Love these pictures and commentary, tee!!!! Thank you for posting!

  2. So cute! I love the best bud photos. :)

  3. Wow! Loving chapter books already!? Taking after her mommy:)
    I love the recycle bin roller coaster!! ;)
