Friday, November 13, 2015

Best Buds

Kateri and Sebastian may occasionally drive each other nuts, but they are also dear friends. They have started this little habit which completely cracks me up because it reminds me of an old couple~ dragging two of the out-door kid chairs so they are just inside the house, then sitting down and watching the sun set.

They are such goofy, dear little souls!

A couple days ago, Kateri found some bubbles somewhere inside the house and begged to take them outside. It was a gorgeous sunny morning after a few days of rain, so I sent her right out!

Yes that is Sebastian with a Costco wine bottle. He has a very strong affinity for all recycling, which he carries all over the deck and yard, and occasionally throws in to the garden. His favorite thing to do is to pretend to drink out of any beet bottles, thank goodness our neighbors don't spend too much time on their decks!
After a little while, it was all quiet on the western front, and we all know that is the sign for the need of immediate investigation!!

But this was how I found them and so I had to snap a pic!

And I was even able to sneak a bit closer

Having a sibling around is twice the fun for these two, whether they are pushing each other like maniacs in the baby doll stroller . . .

Or getting into scrapes . . .

Or exploring the garden

And checking in on the rabbits

But the most wonderful thing they share is their humor! The gales of laughter following some little inside joke is just the best thing on this side of Heaven!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post!! They are so dear! I love their sunset watching habit!!
