Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hope Springs Eternal

Or maybe it would be more accurate to say:

WEEDS spring eternal.

I am fairly certain that gardeners in any climate feel that that maxim is true, especially in mid spring.

While I was out weeding and planting in the garden, I went over to our Hill. The Hill has oak, ash, thorny wild pear, and multiple other trees growing on it in wild abandon. As my husband has decreed, it is the "Survival of the Fittest" Hill, and so everything is allowed to grow at will. We also use that space to store wood for the fire pit, and I was in search for small sticks I could use to demarcate rows of plants in the garden . . .

When to my wondering eyes, I noticed that Pat's beloved weed tree (the Y shaped branch) was WICK! Pat had sadly chopped down this tree last FALL, it had grown to be at least 10 feet taller than our house, and was less than a foot from the foundation. But the Weed Tree was Pat's pride and joy, he loved showing it to all his friends, and cut it down ONLY with the promise of finding another weed tree that could be transplanted to our Survival of the Fittest Hill. This transplantation had not yet happened (I am the guilty one).

BUT the leftover branch, laid down on the ground was ALIVE!! It was even sprouting LEAVES!

Wonder of wonders! Miracle of miracles!! I immediately ran to get Pat to share the good news with him. And if he shed a tear of joy, I will not be the one to record it.

However, I know it meant a lot to Pat. He ran and gave me a flower for my hair!

So pretty!!

So of course I had to use it . . .

We are still in awe that the Weed Tree has survived, what a fighter! Soon we will plant the whole branch and give it a little bit of help. And that is the end . . . 

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