Friday, August 17, 2018

A Little Twin Update

Ahhh it never gets old, seeing the word "twin" and the excitement that comes with it! I still can hardly believe twins are on their way. That is, until I look at how big and fast I am growing, and then I can rather quickly believe it! This pregnancy, I'm trying to take a few progress pics because I *love* seeing other peoples progress pics (even though I have always felt severely emotionally allergic to them in the past).

Are you ready for this? Because it is really crazy how fast twins grow! I can hardly believe it myself.

15 weeks, visiting an urban flower farm 
15 weeks 

18 weeks (SO MUCH CHANGE in just 3 weeks!)

21 Weeks . . . growing more

Now I am 23 Weeks and looking full term already! 

The twins are growing well, and the doctor commented yesterday that they are "very close together". Which did make me wonder how it could possibly be otherwise since there is so little space! He ended up ordering the glucose tolerance test yesterday (as well as a few other things) because of some recent symptoms (nothing to worry about). I am also starting on iron 3 times a day, which is very tricky to take because it is supposed to be on a pretty much empty stomach and I eat pretty much all the time. How can we make this work?!

Do you want to see the amazing twins nursery? 

Prepare yourself! 

To be entirely underwhelmed!

BUT at least we have the cribs set up and the dresser (perfect for boy/girl twins) from the previous home-owners. I am thinking about doing a Narnia theme for the nursery, and my mom suggested framing some black and white Narnia images, I love this idea! Any ideas or suggestions on that front? We also need to repair the walls and paint the room, so our work is cut out for us! (poor Pat!) 

Here is a quick shot from right before the little gender reveal party we had. 

Kateri was veryyyy hopeful to have at least 1 younger sister. Sebastian was absolutely certain that there was 1 boy and 1 girl, and would practically dissolve into tears when we told him there were 2 other possibilities. Thankfully for his emotional sake, he was right and we didn't have to deal with the fallout!

The one set of outfits I just couldn't resist buying.

Now that we know there is one boy and one girl, I am having such a hard time resisting buying baby clothes. It seems like such a long time ago that Chiara was a little baby.

And, last but not least, isn't it crazy that this cute little number is about to be a big sister to TWO?! 


  1. Love the update, Teresa! And this is one of my fav Etsy shops- she makes prints of her watercolor Narnia map if you're interested:

  2. Love the pics ๐Ÿ˜ such a blessing!

    My how you've grown.... More beautiful every day!

    Thank you for a great post๐Ÿ’
