Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Lucky to be Kid number Three

When you are the third kid, you are a little princess. 

Everyone brings you toys, and works hard to make sure you are always happy.

You even get to wear super hero capes so you can come and save the day!

Instead of a humdrum twenty minutes in the swing, your big sister will throw you your own jewelry party.

No one, I repeat, no one will have a fraction of the style you have! (or the joy for that matter!)

Your sister will dress you up as Our Blessed Mother, and then shower you with every toy available. 

So many toys, that it is difficult to know what to do with them! Bracelets, stuffed animals, weird super hero toys from McDonalds that Mom hasn't had the chance to throw away yet . . .

And, through it all, you have constant companions whose main goal in life is to make you laugh. 

Constantly loved, cared for, and entertained, you sure sure are lucky to be Kid Number Three!


  1. Lucky #3 to have #1 and #2 as well!
    But there is something about that jolly little soul that does draw a person!

  2. Yes she is 3 in the lineup so blessed with her beloved sibs! This is a keepsake post! What a lovely "snapshot" of Kia's seven month world ❤️❤️❤️
