Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A surprise from Grandma

A couple weeks ago, an exciting package arrived at mom and dad's.

It was addressed to 'The Littles'.

And it came from Texas!

Inside, there was a beautiful hand-made, personalized quilt made by Grandma for each of the great-grandchildren!

What a treasure!

We had all the littles together when they saw the quilts for the first time.

As soon as we put the quilts on their laps, Kateri went in to her signature relaxing, ready-to-take-a-nap pose. She was ready to snuggle and relax with that beautiful blanket!!

They love their new quilts!


Each quilt is so beautifully and thoughtfully made.

Pat especially appreciated Sebastians quilt, which is baseball/Cubs themed! Grandma really outdid herself with this quilt. And I have to say, Sebastian always smiles when he lies on this blanket!

Kateri also dearly loves her quilt with the cats on it, and requests it every night before she goes to sleep.

The quilts inspired me to take a few 'fall' shots of the kids. After enlisting Jeanne's help, we headed to Signal Hill Park for some portraits.

Being immobile, Sebastian was by FAR the easier one!

 He is a happy boy!

With all the exciting things just begging to be explored, it was pretty impossible for Kateri to sit still. But she was happy to pose with the pumpkin for 0.3 second and luckily we caught it!

And of course Sebastian was too!

This is what photos of the two of them together look like:

Or, Kateri practicing CPR:

 Or attempting a tackle-hug:

I guess that's what I get with a 1.5 year old and a 3 month old. Haha!

Many many thanks to Grandma for these precious quilts! We love them and the kiddos will treasure them~ I know! (as long as Pat doesn't manage to steal the Cubs quilt from Sebastian!!)


  1. Cutest pictures ever!!! The ones of the two of them together are so funny:)

  2. These pictures could win a contest! Dear dear little ones!
