Friday, August 1, 2014


Over the past few years, my dad has been doing a lot of genealogical research.
Which has been very interesting!
He recently confirmed something that we all suspected for a long time . . .
No. NOT that we are related to Charlemagne.
But that we are somehow related to this iconic character:
It seems I carry this gene. . .
Further proof:
Just give her a few more years! And a pair of glasses! The resemblance is unmistakable.
Sebastian, on the other hand, doesn't seem to carry this gene.
Don't worry, Sebastian! You have time!
The newest hair-style we have tried on Kateri is a French braid. Gotta love some French braids on little girls!
The only way I could convince her to sit still enough was put Signing Times on, which always gains her undivided attention.
It came out pretty well, considering she is 17 months old!
But this makes her look so much older and more mature!
Too much older! I think I'll stick to pigtails for now :)

1 comment:

  1. Kateri does look so lovely and grown-up, that I too would be inclined to stick to pig tails (or of course the ever dependable "whale spout”) for as long as I could! :)
