Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Pier

The next time we went on a walk on the beach, we were prepared for the cold wind. This was good because we walked alllll the way to the pier. Pre pregnancy that distance would have seemed short, but now it seems much longer and so much more of an accomplishment!

Because it is a fishing pier, one has to wear shoes of some sort to walk on it. Unfortunately, Peter left his flippy floppies far far back on the beach. SO we took turns walking out to the end of the pier. Laura and I went to the observation deck and observed someone catching a ray! It flopped all over the deck and I felt so bad for the poor thing. The fisherman needed plyers to take the hook out . . . and when he held the ray over the edge to drop it back in the ocean, the ray bit the pliers so hard it held on and didn't fall in!!! Finally, the ray realized its plight and released its hold on the pliers.

By this time, Charlotte woke up in time to smile for the camera . . .

Kateri, however, stayed sound sound asleep!!!

On the way back, Charlotte gave some hugs to her darling momma!

Charlotte loves her mommy so much!!!

Then it was our turn to wait while Peter borrowed my flip flops and he and mom walked to the end of the pier.

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