Prom. Oh, the anticipation. Oh, the preparation.
It was lovely to go take some pictures of the glorious Jeanne (she did look gloriously lovely, as you will see in the pictures). And the other girls, they did look beautiful. And the boys handsome.
BUT . . .
I thank HEAVEN and God Almighty that I never have to go through Prom myself again!
Oh, the pressure. Oh, the fakeness. Oh, the annoying corsages.
No, it is not entirely bad, however, I would like to say something to each and every highschool girl and boy.
Trust me.
Highschool in general; classes; PROM. It is NOT the be all end all, it is not the climax to your life, or your youth for that matter. It is fun, or parts of it are, but life is so so much better on the OTHER side of graduation! Do not worry!
And, while I'm at it, people are also much nicer on the other side of graduation. Oh, you will still know your jerks and your gossips and your two faced liars. However, they are much fewer and far in between. People will be more apt to see them for what they are, rather than giving them a free pass for all behavior based on their popularity factor. And, a funny thing happens after graduation.
The slate is wiped clean! All those people who thought they were *all that*, their slate is wiped clean, too. They're no longer all that! If you know people who fall in this category, you know exactly whom I mean. It is truly a New Beginning, and it is a fun beginning! It is gloriously fun!
I will add, however, that college with it's thrilling highs and crushing lows, is wonderful indeed, BUT Life gets better after that, too! And, I imagine, continues to get better and better!
What a wonderful world we live in in which things DO get better and better. Or perhaps it is just growing up, we see the reality of who people really are, we understand true friendship to a greater degree, we are more confident in ourselves and doing the things we love. Thank God for growing up!!! Never ever forget that throughout the hard times, the struggles, the discouraging let-downs and failures, we are learning. We are learning and growing up, growing up towards the one who desires to give us perfect happiness. What an ironic and beautiful thing that happiness and joy can even be present in sorrow and pain!! May we ever continue to grow up closer and closer to Him.
And now I will get off my little soap box. And here are some lovely pictures of my dear sister . . . and Peter, Kateri, my mom and few other people sprinkled throughout.
More to come in the next post!!
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