Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Garden Transformation

So we have been doing a massive overhaul on our garden. March 11 was my official start date.

See all those egg shells that missed the compost pile?

Honestly, if someone showed me this picture, the LAST thing that would come to mind would be 'garden'. You really can't even tell that there are raspberry bushes to the left thanks to the overwhelming amount of weeds covering them.

 It makes me feel exhausted just looking at these pictures! I had no idea at the time how much work it would take get the garden ready for planting!

This is the view towards the rabbit cages (important to compare to later!).

So, I weeded and pulled up a bunch of dead plants/weeds/old tomato vines etc. Not a huge difference, but a difference nonetheless!

A few weeks later, Pat and Mac (Mr Grenier) worked on the garden all day while I went to a retreat. Pat's mom generously watched Kateri the entire time. The first raised bed went in really smoothly~ the wood was nice and straight and perfect! But the following three beds were a royal pain as the wood had been sourced from the reject pile. All was worth it though, as the grand total for the beds came to only $30!


It was also bitterly cold outside, but that did not stop them!

Kateri did her best to assist whenever possible . . .

 Later in the afternoon, Mike came and helped as well! He designed the curve of the garden fence, which I LOVE! Pat and Mike worked until there was not the slightest bit of daylight left.

Can't you just imagine that fence with a beautiful flower garden in front?

While pulling out the weeds in the main garden bed, I realized that a massive root system innervated the entire thing. Over many many days, and many many hours, I have turned the soil shovelful by shovelful, and broken apart the earth by hand to remove these roots.

To give you an idea of how many roots there were, this handful came from one normal sized shovelful of dirt!

Rather an arduous task. But this guy definitely helped keep me in high spirits!

Two years ago, we planted some gladiolas. I felt like I was digging up treasure as the bulbs had greatly multiplied and there were MANY more then we initially had planted.

Just a few of them!

Here are the raspberries which can finally be seen~ the weeds covering them are no more! We are trying pine needle mulch this year so we will see how that goes. So far it has been very effective in weed prevention!
Pat also put up this small lattice fence, which is spectacular because now Wrigley cannot get into the garden if we shut the garden gate.

After turning the soil, we did another lasagna garden layer to replenish all the soil nutrients.

I kept noticing that my toes were getting a bit wet as I worked in the dirt and mud, and so I figured there must be a crack in my boots. Well, I finally checked, and yes! There is a crack indeed :)

Best $10 I have ever spent. These boots served me well for many many years!

Next we planted some of the herbs, some lettuce, peas, garlic and cabbage . . .

And kept plugging away on the main bed (and killing all the gross grubs!) . . .

And kept working on turning that soil!

And guess what! Today, April 15, 2015, after many many hours and many days, we finally have finished! No pictures because it is dark, but they are coming! Thanks be to God.