My hair has always been a little bit of a monumental challenge.
I just.could.not. figure it out all through high school, and it was a constant stress. I found myself relating strongly to Cousin It and wished I could just wear my hair in a similar fashion.
Someone I could actually relate to . . .
Once, in a fit of bold daring, I had my hair cut VERY short (2 inches everywhere) in hope that it would look like a cute curly pixie cut.
Well, it looked absolutely hideous, more like an old middle aged woman with a bad haircut. Not the look you're going for at 14. I thought it would never grow back, but eventually it did.
And then, finally, sometime during college, I found something that worked! Glory be!!
BUT, the past few years, the saga has continued.
With each kid, my hair has gotten less and less curly.
And what I was doing is no longer working.
So, I realized I needed to try something different!
So, for the sake of documenting everything, here is a pic from a very good morning:

So I got out the ol' unused curling iron, dusted it, and went to work.
Yes, definitely an improvement.

However, by the end of the day, all the curl is GONE

And it looks more like a bad straightening job!
So, next up! HAIRSPRAY! If you have any favorites, fill me in, because this is UNCHARTED TERRITORY!