Yesterday, Sebastian and Kateri were quietly eating breakfast while I was straightening up the kitchen. I was very focused on the task at hand, and after a few moments realized Kateri was saying something over and over in a sing-song voice. And then, after several repetitions, I finally actually paid attention.
"Painting the wall! Painting the wall! Painting the wall!"
And that, my friends, is exactly what she was doing . . . with blueberry yogurt.
. . . .
I should have realized that graffiti is similar to cocaine, or mint oreos (in my case) in that it is highly addictive for the under-three crowd. But, no, I figured it was an isolated incidence and was ever so unlikely to happen again.
Little did I know . . .
Later that day, Kateri and Sebastian both desperately needed naps and seemed very tired once afternoon hit (they had a delightful visit with Nonie and Nano, Mormor, Mihi, aunt Lulu, aunt Gigi, AND their cousins earlier). However, neither of them seemed to fall asleep, so I just let them have a bit of quiet time in their room.
Then I had a slight inkling that Kateri needed to be checked on, Unfortunately that slight inkling was too late! This is the scene that met my eyes as I went in her room:
You can see how carefully she painted the "Owl's nose" as she later pointed out to me. And completely obliterated the squirrel behind that giant blob . . . |
What this photo fails to capture is the thick coating of desitin on her arms, legs, feet, hands, face, and the copious amounts in her hair. Even this morning, after a nice long bath and many shampoos, I found the white remnants still lingering! I thought every vestige of diaper cream had been removed from reach, but sadly I missed a very full tube somewhere.
However, I have to say I am very VERY grateful that desitin, and not poop, was the paint of choice!!! Silver (white, perhaps?) lining!