Which was, thankfully, quite easy and simple and we just threw it together the day of. Pat's mom generously got the checkered table cloths and checkered flags, which really make the whole thing.
And, in case you can't read what we had to drink:
Fare was very simple: hot-dogs, chips, and a few other little things.
(Peanuts) |
(even though licorice is quite possibly the most revolting candy ever invented).
And, of course, we had to have the cake, which was the easiest cake that I will probably ever make!
Sebastian did enjoy the cake (at least the frosting).
And Kateri preferred the oreos:
I didn't take many pictures, sadly. BUT we did get one of Laura and Danny!
Handsome boy with his lovely mama! |
He is such a dear little munchkin. He has quite a funny sense of humor and you never know what will tickle his funny bone. About a month ago when we started brushing his teeth, he found spitting so unbearably funny that he laughed so hard he threw up! He still finds it funny, and laughs and laughs each night as he spits after brushing.
One of my favorite things about him is his cheerfulness when we put him to bed at night. I don't know why he is, generally speaking, so happy, but whenever we put him in his crib he stands up at the edge with the biggest grin and looks as if we just brought him to Kings Dominion. He chuckles and laughs when we kiss him good night!
Kateri and Sebastian have a little 'secret'. At night, after we say our night prayers, tuck them in, and leave the room, Kateri climbs out of her crib and into Sebastian's. This is so clever and so hilarious to both of them, and Pat and I will hear GALES of laughter as they share this little joke. Sometimes, we have to referee when, after thirty minutes or so, we hear some fussing and go in to find Kateri sitting on Sebastian's head. But other times, they fall asleep in there, which is really sweet.
Sebastian always wants to be in on the action. If he sees that Kateri is engrossed in something, he will always make a b-line for her and do everything he can to get involved (which usually translates in to knocking over what she is stacking, dispersing what she is collecting, or stealing what she is holding).
He also wants to know how things work; he figured out how to open the fridge, take off the doorbell cover, remove the heating vents, all things Kateri never knew how to do until Sebastian showed her how! They will undoubtedly be little partners in crime.
Sebastian's favorite game is peek-a-boo. He loves playing in the water. He has no fear of stairs, can climb up quite well and quite quickly, but is still working on reliably coming down the stairs. He hasn't officially taken his first step, but there have been several times where it seemed like he had. He loves playing with cars, and instinctively knew how to play with them without anyone ever demonstrating. He dearly enjoys being out of doors, and loves to point things out. He always points and says, "B! B!". I think he heard us always pointing out birds with Kateri, and assumed that Bird actually means Look. He reliably knows how to say "Mama" and "Da" for Daddy, but hasn't picked up much sign language other then an occasional "more". If Kateri ever laughs at his antics, he will always try to make her laugh harder.
Sebastian truly does not have the time to have his diaper changed or to change his clothes. The wrestling matches that ensue between the two of us are epic and long. BUT I have found that if I can find a way to make him laugh and find some little joke it is inevitably easier!
So thankful that God has blessed me so generously in this precious handsome little man! Happy birthday, my dear little Sebastian. It is hard for me to believe that this was you one year ago!
Still cracks me up! Please say a little birthday prayer for him, if you have an extra moment. |