Friday, November 21, 2014


Yesterday, Laura and I took the kidlets to Fair Oaks Mall to check out their Frozen display. Luckily for us, Mimi and Jeanne decided to come too which was perfectly splendid!

The display itself was smaller then I thought it was going to be, but it was one of the most exciting and awe-some experiences for Kateri!

When we first walked in, she could not believe what she was seeing:


Complete wonderment! She just stared and stared drinking it all in, rooted to the ground.

Charlotte, on the other hand, jumped right in and was ready to play!

She immediately ran under the snowflakes, which only fall from the center of the ceiling.


And from there, Charlotte made a snow angel in the fallen snow.

Kateri, very gradually, warmed up to the whole idea enough to move.

Charlotte very thoughtfully picked up some snow to give to Kateri.

So Kateri got to *hold* some:

Holding snow gave her a great sense of accomplishment!

She was cracking me up, because she so wanted to hold it and throw it, but she did NOT want to pick it up off the ground, she was completely reliant on Char to bring it over! Each time Charlotte did, Kateri made sure to sign, "Thank you!"

I tried to get a little family shot, but K-bear was distracted.

I think she may be signing snow.

And the only photo we have of Kateri smiling was here:

With her beloved auntie!

However, Bash was very willing to fill up some smiling quotas:

Little Danny was super cute as always!

And behaved perfectly.

I love how Charlotte is smiling in this photo! Such a cutie! So much personality!

Lu looking lovely as always!

And, a few funny pics of Kateri throwing the snow up and the *shock* as it actually *hit her in the face*.

When we finally left, Kateri cried bitter tears. Maybe we can go back again before the season is over!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekend Trip to the Park

This weekend, we had a free afternoon and the opportunity to go to the park as a family!

Kateri was thrilled of course! And she was so excited to show her Papa-Bear her favorite thing at the park!

The swings!

And soon she was flying high . . .

Sebastian and I also tried the swings . . .

He seemed to enjoy it . . .
K-bear was so happy to show Daddy the other exciting things at the park . . .

Not one to take many risks, Kateri needed some encouraging to go down the slide . . . but she did eventually!

 At the end, she was never quite sure where the ground was, and very slowly and cautiously slid down.

And then, lest we ever forget, Kateri gave herself a hearty round of applause for successfully navigating such a challenging obstacle.
She also begged Papa-Bear to go down, too.
Carefully standing a safe distance away.
Yay! He made it!
A good time was had by all until I started getting pretty cold and declared it was time to go home.
And this was how Kateri felt about THAT:
Not. Happy.
But we will come back sometime soon, K-bear! And you will feel like this again:
Do not worry; be at peace.
I am so thankful for afternoons like this! 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Our Little Angels

Last week when we visited Nonie and Nano, Aunt Betty found two sweet little angel-ornaments. They immediately reminded her of someone!

Angel numero uno:

Down to the hand in his mouth! I can vouch for Sebastian's rolls :)

And angel numero dos:

Pretty amazing!! As Nano says, "What are the odds that the two angel ornaments at the Store would resemble Sebastian and Kateri?"

Thank you, Mormor! We are excited to decorate the tree with them :) And, at some point down the road, share with any of Sebastian's future girlfriends ;)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

So, before the time really is up to post about Halloween, I realized I better get with the program and post :) . . . Thankfully, since I was absolutely horrific at taking pictures on Halloween (did not take a single one), I was able to outsource and grab a few from other people! Thank you, Nanny and Mary!!

We prepped for Halloween at Mike and Emily's home the week before, which was quite fun!

Kateri was ready to roll up her sleeves and get in on all the pumpkin guts and seeds . . .

She took her job very seriously. Nanny was very generous and let K-bear help her the entire time!

We all had a great time!

Can't you just eat her up?! She is so cute!
Eventually the pumpkins were all carved!

And Nanny and K-bear with their pumpkin:

Notice the hammer in Mike's pumpkin
My pumpkin was a bit on the evil side this year:

BUT he is still smiling
Pat put all the goodness in his pumpkin:

On Halloween, Kateri was extra lucky and got to dress up twice! She dressed up as a frog when she went to visit Nonie and Nano (sadly I have no pictures!), and she dressed up as Godzilla for Halloween. Pat always calls her 'godzilla' because of her propensity to destroy whatever is in her path, so a common phrase heard around our house is, "Godzilla is on the loose!". Which means, LOOK OUT!

Sebastian is godzilla2 because we know he will be following her lead in just a few short months.

Before it got dark, we were lucky enough to go trick or treat at aunt Betty and uncle Bill's house, mom and dad's, and Nanny and Mac's.

Seeing this picture makes me think I should have had Sebastian go as Puddleglum. Those feet would fit the part, don't you think? But then I suppose we would have to chop off his tail . . .

Jeanne decided to come with us, which was super fun! She came up with this neat makeup in seconds:

Mary and Stephen and little Maddie came over as well. Maddie was the cutest little pirate you have ever seen! After a quick dinner, we headed out for trick-or-treating. Jeanne was very popular with both Kateri and Maddie, and neither of them would have ANYTHING to do with anyone else! So for much of the time, Jeanne was corralling two very cute little one year olds (which would probably make herding cats look easy!). I still cannot believe that Jeanne opted to come join us for Halloween, but I know two little girls were over-the-moon that she did!

And thanks to Mary, I do have a picture of the group!

Happy Halloween!!